How to Simplify Proloquo2Go for Your Beginner and How to Add Buttons and Folders

05 Oct

So, I remember, oh so well, how hard it was to first get started!  If we had first started out with Proloquo2Go, and oh, how I wish it was around when we were starting out, we would have had to simplify it, to start out with.

Here is THE TRICK TO GET STARTED:  JUST DO IT!  Yep, there’s no super secret absolute right way!  Each child is different and each family is different.  So, it’s kind of one of those things that you research the best you can, get therapists’ help and support, if possible, and then just have to learn as you go.  You can’t learn as you go until you get started though!

So, I encourage you, to just get started and learn as you go.  Start out with what you think will work and go from there, editing on the spot.  This is what has worked for us, for Abbey.

Communication is key.  Our kids deserve it!  They deserve to be able to tell us what they want and what they don’t.  And, it will, eventually make their lives more rich and yours much easier, lessening behaviors and understanding more about your child.

So, here is how to show less buttons, to get you started and how to add buttons and folders…quick, easy and to the point!  Just click on the videos below…and look at our other posts with tips and how we started with Abbey, how we’ve customized it for Abbey…maybe you’ll get some good ideas that will help.

Hope these help you GET STARTED!


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One response to “How to Simplify Proloquo2Go for Your Beginner and How to Add Buttons and Folders

  1. Ola Mundo (@olamundoapp)

    April 29, 2014 at 3:57 am


    This is Omri from Ola Mundo.
    First of all, I’m so glad I found your blog. I just spent an hour watching the videos and it’s amazing to see the progress of Abbey and how much love you have there. So thanks for sharing.

    What got me here was this specific post (I know it’s unusual to comment on a post from a few months ago).
    We just released a new AAC app for the iPad and I must agree with your tips here.
    It takes time to learn a new language and it takes a lot of patient.



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